Thursday, May 26, 2011

Roofing In The Rain

Today was Gwyneth's 3rd grade special thingie at her school. Gavin's was last week. I love how they are both so talented and that we get to do special things like that. Even if I am sitting for 2 hours on a rock hard bench so I can hear Gavin play for 5 minutes or that the lady in the purple shirt moved every time I did blocking my view of Gwyneth. Yeah... lady- Rowan is going practicing how to throw stuff. See how long she sits in front of me again. Oh I would never do that!! would I?

I think it is so neat seeing the young lady that my daughter is turning into. I'm so glad I can be a part of my children's lives. I keep thinking I should do something special for Josh to make him feel special.... but what? I thought about looking up an origami thingie and making him something. I think he would like that.

So we've been getting our roof done for about a week and a half now. I thought the job was only to take a couple of days... When it went on 3 days I thought they would be finishing up... but no. Apparently they don't work Saturdays, either. SOOOO this week it has been rainy, rainy, rainy. and guess what happens to roofs that are half way done when it rains a lot? I think we may be getting a little bit of new insulation, some dry wall, and a few ceilings re-painted. The big bossman came yesterday. He wasn't a very happy camper with our house, but with the storms (it was like hail and tornado siren storms all day) it is a little understandable something like this might have happened. I'm just upset they quoted us "a couple of days" because if it had been done in a "couple of days" then this wouldn't have happened!

So I asked the foreman (or one of the bossmen) about why it was taking so long. They had 3 mostly non-rainy days last week and Saturday was spectacular (well I was sick in the bathroom all day, but from what I hear it was perfect roofing weather- and perfect enjoy your life weather if you're not sick), but they don't work Saturdays, probably because it was going to be the end of the world.

He told me it was his fault. His men started our house before they were finished with another and the other one took a little longer to finish than they anticipated. He also said that he had some medical appointments so he wasn't exactly around to do a lot of the work right away... So basically the job was started before he was ready. I told him I understood the rain had been delaying a lot of projects like this (it has been incredibly wet this season) and we wouldn't have minded delaying another week. But anyway what is done is done and now we just need to move forward and finish the job.

Is it weird that I feel bad for them though? I mean they ARE going to take care of us, but there were several neighbors asking about them, but with this mess and taking so long (despite the rain) I hope it doesn't mess up their reputation. I think the guys really are working hard... just need to be on top of things. Now that the big bosses are out I'm sure it'll get finished lickity-split, I just feel bad because our house is like their lemon.

Anyway that is my rant for now and the lesson I have learned is I'm glad I'm not a roofer.

Sunday, May 22, 2011

The Dust Has Settled

Okay I know it's been a while since you all got to be enthralled by my wonderful blogging and the blogginess it brings to your life. Well things have been slow and busy at the same time! I recall starting some projects before I had my daughter and they got left by the way side once she was born. Amazing how those things just take up your entire life. So there it is, another baby sucking any time I have and leaving me exhausted by ends day. Oh and I'm sure the kids I have been babysitting don't leave me deprived of energy either.

So I had a birthday this weekend. I officially moved up an age bracket. I think that may be part of the whole "energy" problem. My bones aren't creaking though so that is good. Except frankenankle, but he hardly counts.

I was so sick this weekend and had NO energy. Yuck. Kirby is the best husband ever! He planned to take me to a day spa and then dinner with my girlfriends. Normally I might have cried out of guilt for being sick, but I was too sick to even do that. What a sweetheart I snagged, tho! He went out of his way tonight to get me some chicken noodle soup. Because an upset stomach with tomato soup or french onion soup (my choices) I don't think would do. I'm feeling loads better tho! Just some headaches from not eating... which apparently my head didn't talk to the stomach to find out why nothing was going IN so it is being very unsympathetic to my situation. It should be happier since I gobbled that soup. Which by the way- I think was the tastiest chicken noodle soup I have ever eaten in my entire life!!!

Okay and for those of you that only follow me for the Rowan... He is pulling himself up! I'm amazed at how fast he has grown and I wish he would slow down. Just last year I was plump with baby and now I'm 15lbs short of my pre-pregnancy weight (which that can come a BIT faster if it wants- but no more stomach ailments!) and it amazes me how fast a year really does go by!

This year I will be an official mom of a teenager and I'm not ready. I wish I could go tuck Gavin in like I do his sister. I kinda like seeing him grow up, but I miss him being little, too!

Tuesday, May 10, 2011


You know that my life is finally coming back on track when I do something that is totally me. SOoo.. I had a paper cut and I put that new skin stuff on it because where it was in my finger it kept like opening up. Not very feeling good. The new skin stuff kept coming off and making it open up more. So the little light bulb went off on top of my head and I got Kirby's super glue.

Lets just say that it was a good thing that 2 of the older kids were around because I had Rowan plus his 3 1/2 month old girlfriend over. I was babysitting the other baby if I need to elaborate.

Anyway get this: I glued a fork to my thumb. Precisely the prongs were glued to my thumb because that is how I picked it up.

I got the acetone to get it off, but it wasn't budging! So I had Gwyn holding one baby, the other was pacified for the moment in the rocker seat, and I made Gavin google how to get super glue off. He didn't find anything I didn't already know.

Apparently you have to be patient when getting fingers off of stuff. The funny thing is the thumb that was super glued to the fork was the same thumb that was holding the bottle so I have NO IDEA how in this green earth I got glue on THAT thumb.

Anyway that was a while ago. I found the fork because it had my skin on it. I don't know where it is now... I hope it didn't get put away.