First off- It is Easter. Happy Easter. I did a thing with my family yesterday, had the kids on borrowed time (as they were with their dad's this weekend). It was nice seeing everyone.
We had a couple uncles from out of town visiting helping Grandma with a bunch of chores around the house. Which brings me to some pondering...
I wonder if one person's great news and "better position" diminishes any one else's position in my family? I hate it when people ask me what I do and what I've been up to, and then I end up feeling stupid because it's not as cool/significant as my other hard working relatives. Well what have YOU been up to in the last couple years? I enjoy my job and working with people so I don't mind customer service, so please don't be like "oh you're in customer service..." with that condescending tone of voice with me. I hate it.
It's like I've never been quite up to par with some of my relatives and that makes me sad because what did I do? Is it because I'm my mother's daughter? There is always a black sheep and unfortunately my mom has kind of made herself it. Don't get me wrong, the family loves my mom (we are a very loving family), but there are some members that are kind of distant. And when you live out of state, you tend to be.
I wanted the kids to meet these family members, but I don't think they did...
Anyway- I guess I'm cranky because I have been in some pain lately.
My baby daddy let Gavin have 4 hard boiled eggs before the Easter thing with my family. He says I sent Gavin home with diarrhea and then Gavin got sick all over and was crying saying he hated eggs. Well I don't know if he had any at Grandma's, but I do know that 4 hard boiled egg is a freaking lot and 10 year olds don't really know control. I'm sad he is sick and not feeling well (and that I have to wash pukey clothes because my baby daddy can't take responsibility and do that himself), but I don't have control over what they do at their dads. Would you give a child 4 candy bars? Probably not.
It's a hard lesson for Gavin to learn, but I've been teaching responsibility. Overindulgence is one of them. They are pigs at the dinner table, hogging things down, choking on their drinks, and racing to get 2Nd's. I say no to 3Rd's.
I don't know for sure if that is what made him sick or not, BUT it's Easter, candy, eating a lot, and 4 eggs... it's a good guess. They are almost home so I'd better finish this so I can get my washer ready for the nasty bag...
Last time the ex sent a nasty bag home it was because a dog peed all over Gwyn's coat. THAT about gagged me- it wasn't even rinsed out. I asked him to rinse out this stuff today. Lets see how well that goes over.
Lesson: I can think of a zillion ones here, but none that seem fitting.
Sorry about the baby daddy. And the mess he sends home... That sucks. Sounds a smidge familiar...
Baby daddys are the worst
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