Monday, January 13, 2014

Where has the time gone?

Have you ever written a book?  Part of the reason I haven't been on my blog much is because I have.  I completed my first novel, approx 95,000 words about this time last year.  I am currently waiting on editing to be completed.  Instead of going through a professional editing service (that would cost approx $1250-$4000) a couple friends are assisting me. 

It's taking forever.  I'm so anxious to get it finished.  I wonder if I might have a shot at getting it published.

Mean while, my blog continues to lack because I am currently working on my 2nd and 3rd books.  

One of them is a true account of my divorce.  Obviously from my perspective.  Although I would be interested in the other parties views, that would require me talking to them about it... I'm sure my exhub would give me some feedback as we communicate pretty well for the most part..., I'm not sure about seeking the ex friend.  I know she works with one of my aunts and a cousin, but I have no intent to contact her.

It is actually very hard to write, despite the years gone by.  I'm facing a lot of old demons.  I'm dragging things out of the closet that have been wadded up in a corner for years.  I'm amazed at my strength.  Some things still affect and bother me to this day, but I'm stronger and better than those. 

Honestly, I think my story could help people.  Those who are going through a lot of hurt and pain.  At least that is my intent.

Of course if you're wondering all names and identifying characteristics will be changed to protect those involved.



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