Thursday, April 15, 2010


Not that I have hyped it up here, but I did on my face book. Boy or Girl? Girl or Boy? Little Mr or Little Miss?

I know some people like to wait, but I am not a very patient person. If I don't have to go through the anticipation inquiring minds want to know!

I want to know what theme to pick out, what clothes to look at, and to imagine my future.

Now, thanks to technology and a baby that isn't shy- I can imagine my future. Of course I was in love with this baby before I knew what the sex was. I alternated between he and she and sometimes "it." I wondered if I felt dancing moves or karate kicks (not to insinuate that either are gender specific).

SOoo... I had to get a couple things at the store. It was exciting to be able to browse through outfits sleepers, shoes, and things that were not gender neutral. I of course, found the most adorable little outfit ever! I got it. I had my purchases and was at the check out and realized I didn't have my debit card. I told they guy before he rang me up. I asked if he wanted me to put the stuff away. Then I told him never mind because I would get my card and come back. He made a joke about needing toilet paper (that was on my list). I was like "yah gotta have the tp." THEN I realized that I had my check book. The lady in front of me was laughing. So I had to explain myself- I'm sure that went over well. "I"m pregnant and my head is not screwed on right...." I'm sure my face was red, but I'm sure it just looked like a glow.

In the mean time, I guess I shouldn't leave you hanging- so what suggestions do you have for a theme? dinosaurs? jungle animals? airplanes (I thought that was interesting)? Computer/geek? I'm open for suggestions. No Winnie the Pooh, not interested in "sports" either. LOL. All I gotta say is I told Kirby if he gave me a boy he'd better be a Chinese/Asian boy. They are so darned cute! Think he will hold up on his end of the bargain?

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