Monday, October 22, 2012

The Day Has Finally Come

For those of you that don't know...  I don't imagine there are too many since I have been pretty much MIA in my blogging.  BUT...  My husband, much to my surprise, went and got himself a gaming company this summer.  It is called Fearlight Games.  I will post a link to our web page for you here:

Yeah...  Pretty awesome.

Anyway our friend Bryce is the main game designer for our first game Coffins and Tombstones.  That just went up tonight as a Kickstarter project.  If you are a gamer, like games, or curious about what I'm talking about- please check out our Kickstarter page.  Here is the link to that:

Yeah...  That is pretty awesome, too.  

I know the men have put a lot (I mean A LOT) of work into this game the past year (besides time and money we don't have- my garage, too) and I would really like to see this become successful.  Seriously- I am very proud of this little game and all they have accomplished with it. 

Of course I AM the better half of Fearlight Games so I have a particular interest in seeing it succeed.  It gives me bragging rights. 

We have a lot of other games on the table right now, too.  So please check it out, "like" it on your face book, twitter, whatever social media you prefer, and let me know what you think.

Now I'll get with the real reason you're reading this- to find out what got put in the VCR this week.  Drum roll....  A pen.  "Boring"  Actually I think that particular pen had been missing for a couple months.  And a goldfish of the real food variety.  It is much easier to manage things when it's shoved in a space slightly bigger to access.   Like his toy oven. 

What was put in the play oven?  A bowl, soccerball, and his favorite blanket- all in the same play session- together.  That oven is only about the size of my foot.  I don't know how he managed to fit it all in there.  But one thing I discovered- if it's missing around the house (keys, shoes, chargers) you absolutely have to check his oven!

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